Even when the contentions against a debtor-spouse sound in fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, or intentional tort, the claims of the debtor’s spouse survive a Chapter 7 discharge. Despite the fact that those sorts of claims against anyone other than a spouse would require a timely filed adversary proceeding to escape discharge. So held the […]
How To Bankruptcy-Proof A Divorce Settlement
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can discharge non support obligations associated with a divorce that are non-dischargeable in Chapter 7. That’s worth repeating: any marital settlement agreement or court judgment that calls for payment or indemnity by one spouse to the other in the future is potentially vulnerable to a subsequent bankruptcy filing by the obligor-spouse. While […]
The Complex World Of Interspousal Claims In Bankruptcy
Traps and grey areas abound when one spouse files bankruptcy during or after a divorce. Inattention by the non-filing spouse can result in the bankruptcy discharge of spousal claims that might actually be nondischargeable. One of those traps involves the differing treatment in bankruptcy of debts to a former spouse incurred in the course of […]
Your Duty of Loyalty And Married Clients
Are your loyalties divided When a married couple books a bankruptcy consultation, you have an immediate problem: There be dragons, as early map makers helpfully provided. Because, as a lawyer friend of mine says: Anytime there are two people sitting across from you, you have a conflict of interest. That pithy expression has stuck […]
When Worlds of Bankruptcy & Family Law Collide
Bankruptcy, actual or threatened, can cause a genuine disruption in the force when divorce is on the table. That collision can be liberating or disruptive, depending on the timing of a bankruptcy filing and the goals of your client. Because the fallout from a bankruptcy case can be overwhelming, family lawyers need a working knowledge […]
Bankruptcy & Divorce: A Disruption In The Force
When bankruptcy law and family law intersect, the result can be liberating or disruptive, depending on the timing of a bankruptcy filing and the goals of the parties. An infinite number of combinations lead to infinite different outcomes. The variables start with whether bankruptcy occurs before or after status is altered; before or after the […]
Shadow Players May Have Support Claims In Bankruptcy
What we know so far about domestic support obligations in bankruptcy is that they are non dischargeable and the bankruptcy court has the last word as to what is and is not support. But we just scratched the surface in looking at support when we considered obligations from one spouse to another. Debts owed to […]