Let’s have some retrospective before we look forward to bankruptcy lawyering in 2014.
Here are my picks for my 10 favorite Mastery posts for 2013:
- Business Bankruptcy and the Bingo Effect- flushing out business creditors your client is oblivious to
- Untangling the Converted Case- what you need to know and what you need to tell the client
- Exceptions to Bankruptcy Discharge Not in Our Code– federal law has an armful of other exceptions
- RTFM– or my diatribe on lawyers who don’t read the code
- Getting Means Test Tax Projections Right– taking the numbers from the paystubs isn’t enough
- 50 State Treasure Hunt– find the state statutes that apportion ownership of joint bank accounts
- Chapter 7 Risks Everything For Proprietorship– just because it’s worthless doesn’t mean it operates
- Chapter 5– ignore this chapter at your peril
- Bankruptcy’s Eternal Struggle– is it the means test or Schedule I minus Schedule J
- Learning Business Bankruptcy– the January series that started with figuring out who’s the client
Did I miss a post that was your favorite, or particularly helpful?
The year in blog posts
I lead off this January with a long string of posts on business issues in bankruptcy, whether the client is the business or the business owner. It’s a subject near and dear to my heart. It’s also a dynamite skill to have to expand the universe of possible clients.
We should do something similar this year.
I’m torn between looking at tax issues in bankruptcy, or digging into family law matters in our practice. Do you have a preference?
Other suggestions about what perplexes you about bankruptcy practice? What would you like to see explored here?
My thanks for your comments on the site and emails directly to me. I treasure each reader.
See you in 2014.
Image courtesy of Flickr and Sam Churchill
This blog
is truly extraordinary in all aspects.
Almost in the brink of retirement I was however badly in need of a fresh start when it came to my finances. Just mentioning about retirement and finances were two scary words that sent shivers down my old spine. My daughter’s husband advised me to hire an experienced attorney in debt management. I am truly thankful for my bankruptcy lawyer alexandria va as it made me more focus on the both the present and the future rather then get stuck on what I did wrong in the past.